Are you a girl cause I'll kik you
But we can kick you from the group at any time
I killed you when you had p2 it took me like 30 mins
Brb give me 15
Unless your an enemy of ours or a hacker. But maybe some enemy's
Thanks pile
Yahp. It's for all the nubs that don't get accepted due to there armor
Actually I can for being rude all I want is it just to get deleted
Reported and don't be so fresh
Yea mod is 100 and that gives you perms to add people (with a little heads up msg us on here) and temporarily kick people from it for say 3 days....
Oh yah baby
But thanks for the suppaht bra
Yah first off I can't read the hidden content and it took me from 9-12 so 3 hours. I probably could of not taken up as much time but I love the...
Maybe just a mute this poor chaps been through a lot.
@Noobcrew @CypriotMurks
I highly recommend putting this in the help section and fill out the form and copy and paste your pay pal receipt onto the thread but in the...