There were times when we were in severe need for mods. Now there are times when there are more online mods than online members
I don't know more of the lyrics but boney m is funny
Ra Ra Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine
Ra ra Rasputin
noodle soup
Sup <3
I knew I couldn't get along with you. That's why I won't bother talking to you anyway. You literally backstabbed me after we had an argument and I...
Srae demmurd
Do you get paid for building
As beautiful as the roses of halfeti
P much
Guter Rad ist teuer. -Abdi, Fahrradverkäufer
That comment mmd
I've heard black Beatles too often I can't listen to it anymore xd
This is a really nice reason
All the salt on this server hurts my eyes ;(
Ez decision
Ur followed.
And Blasé but I haven't heard that in like ages
Come Get Her