You have a remarkably abstract right ear.
LOl wHaT a Bout StopPing ThIs CrinGE kInD of WRItinG sMH
Banned for being way too serious, Jesus Christ.
Putting insider jokes makes no sense ;( Guacamole
Gerls now u know not to hook him cause he doesn't like <edit>
I didn't argue lol. I was just trying to convince you. I don't mind if one person doesn't support but I like to leave a reply on that. It's...
So is the "Bad Spelling" rating. We could just replace that with something funnier.
That is right and that's why I hope the mods take care of its abuse.
To all those who had a bad day or felt useless today: There were rescue swimmers at the London Olympics 2012.
no "no supports" yet that's nice :kissingheart:
I wanna shoot dick and chew a$$. And I'm all out of a$$. -Dick Kickem
There u go @Pink
Your writing style like that student athlete meme one
I feel honoured. This thread is up for one hour and it already made some supports. Thank you and all others who support this thread.
We could also remove some really useless ratings which aren't even funny or helpful like "bad spelling", "creative" or "old". @benji
cause 1. We can't get enough ratings 2. its funny AF 3. You can be p honest with it
Add this back it's so funny to see this around on old threads. [ATTACH] Why was it removed in the first place?