Can you tell a 9 apart a 4
I do like mocking people who were (edit) to me, you're right about that. Why would I act my age on a Minecraft forum lmao? You couldn't believe...
Many people would. Thank you:blush:
pissy /ˈpisē/ vulgar slang 1en: Relating to or suggestive of urine. 1.1 Inferior or contemptible. 2US: Arrogantly argumentative.
I was stating a fact.
The b u m p
That "mature" and still can't get laid irl
I 'm sorry
But you can't change that fact :( I'm happy you accepted it
You wish it stayed like that @Clawifier
Then why did you date her in the first place? :o
From behind? :t
It takes a whole time to realise that someone is gay, sometimes it's only at the end of puberty. It is a pretty good excuse.
Bump xD lol
It doesn't fit to you kinda
Ok let's get into it: Mention the programs and show examples. This is not a reason why you should become a mod lol. Give concrete numbers It's...
Can u explain what ur name means