no u
Why post then... like... for real.. no lie... like......... wow.
Ma'am Can you knot? we're having a conversation about who's the BEST... Hence the topic title.
Sorry correction "you die too much" you don't say this in skype... nub
lol eZ, even tho you have echests full.
Because you never say stuff like "you're eZpZ you die too much"
Doesn't matter... I still get p4, plus I can actually 1v1... And 1 I don't run in 1v1's.... unlike you xD HAHAHAHAHA if you actaully were good,...
k then don't post here.
I'd like to be remembered as the kid who rekt anyone that no one likes to admit i'm better than them. Fact being i'm a Baws! #NoHacks #2Legit...