Kryptic_Fox OpticGamingKing [IMG]
What does Irl Mean.
eww prison gaurd
Repeated a little
[IMG] Lol
Minecraftnerd234 Alanbriolat Hacks [media]
Oh my gawd... this is a bump... 3 bumps in one day... needy af
No support you're bad you're noooooob.
I bid 25$ on OpPrison
I Have 10000000 vids of 1v1s
haha ikr
have you read the rules... obviously not.
I said... where can you see it in the rules... I also SAID specificlly "I listen to admins or higher not mods" well, I'd rather listen to admins
Then you are allowed... it's just frowned upon... -.-
Show me a GYAZO of where on the forums you see "You can't appeal for somone else other than yourself"
I've appealed for Spooky_Ghostex because he plays OpPrison he also is banned from kitpvp yet I appealed for him, and I didnt get banned and or...
Yes, You can appeal for other people because on the APPEAL rules I don't see where it says -Don't appeal for somone else also I know