;-; grave dig... but yeah... the mods care nothing about people bidding 5k... if someone bid 5000$ and i did /bid I loose 5001$ for a p2 helm......
Even when you did kill me it was when you were hacking xD also when you killed me you madea frigin post about killing me x3... so you? being op?...
No not really.... I died all the time befoe you've beat me don't be a nub... pls
it's not just a coincedence my "Internet" crashed out of the blue ALL the time.... IT NEVER crashes ever... so the fact I lagged out it funny...
@ScoFu13 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew I think Cypriot and noob should look at this... because Zero DDoses EVERYONE... yet no one gets evidence... if...
Minecraftnerd234 Zero_Inzanity, DaIlluminati DDos [media] also evidence Of Zero_Inzanity offline same amount daIlluminati was online...
Minecraftnerd234 Bomber389 killaura [media]
No No support... it's useless... I hate 10v1's i like betraying.. it's the fun of kitPVP it's the reason I play about 10hours a day.......
i am Minecrafnerd234.
Okay i'm gonna go all 360 no scope camper in the bushes finding every bit of evidence like the game theorist.... 0:30 He just finished killing a...
Minecraftnerd234 StudzHd Killaura Huzuni, Nametags. [media] [IMG] lol ^^^ just look [IMG] lol the obvious Nametag hacks
I AGREE 100%... well... idk... maybe i disagree... depends
Duh herro?
DENIED fgt jk i cri ACCEPTED
Kryptic_Fox OpticGamingKing Foul Language [IMG] [IMG]
Kryptic_Fox StainPVP Foul language [IMG]
lol k, never said I was mature.
y he's nub k
So 20 is any better than 2ms... Have you seen the connection you get to the Sever? it's as if you're playing Kohi... You hit them instantly no...