Old IGN: Minecraftnerd234 New IGN: KrypticFox Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof: Titan[IMG]
I believe McNerd is the best Mod ever... I suggest he should become Co-Owner or even better, OWNER of Mineverse due to the fact that I wet myself...
ur bad
I am Kryptic_Fox, I am Gman54321, I am bEEarCUB i am also Minecraftnerd234... I have a youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Debopowns/videos My...
Excuse you? So, his theory is right and no one else's is right? is that what you're saying? lmao just shutup pls <3
I need someone who's not 3 to handle this
The server has DDos protection... if the Server got ddosed he would be a OP ddoser.
When did he ddos the Server?
omfg do you know what DDos is? It wasn't server lagg I looked at my Server list ALL servers were off
D: nerd... Don't leave
Trick is... is to get good at pvp... go play a cracked 4yr old server would be more usefull.. Because due to the fact you're making this either...
Nerd daphuq thx :P Tradin rooms are useful :P
How do I check out your plot? what's the command.
A momument in my Name... lmao jk
sorry wrong video was uploaded... But I really meant to upload This player... is he banned already?
Maybe get good at PVP than play..... You'd be able to actually fight hackers eZ
IGN: Minecraftnerd234
lmao 7 Dislikes ;-; Kinda rude considering she's doing this post 4 no reason.... No effort at all... also