I never said I'll give you anything.. this is just like derpyturtle
Ign:Eongod Game mode banned on:Factions2 Link to accepted appeal:http://www.mineverse.com/threads/eongod-banned-by-fry-accepted.26976/#post-262783...
lel all it has was me doing ^ which was me sending that to minecraftnerd for answering his question.. Does not say I'll give you anything for the...
Okay, I'll just wait for vid :|
Fry read my message, and bblocker let's see if the vid shows me specifically saying I'll give you anything for the 10.5k
I Agree with this.. I was banned for just saying "f you" and was banned for like 5 days.. he said a lot more lol..
ur a pure beast <3
Ign:Eongod Game mode banned on:KitPvP Link to accepted...
I called him a stupid retard cuz he scammed me.. Didn't mean 2 say it but yeah, I would appreciate it if u took action because he broke a big rule
You Could of Said want 39k for free? I could of said sure and said pay me and u did?..
Thus, Doesn't prove anything. And this does not show me saying I will trade you anything for the 39k..?
Pile r u going 2 ban him?
@Grayson @kirbyo32 @almarobb123 @MiningCreeper454
Your ingame name:Eongod The offender's ingame name:iIceColdBurnZHD A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:They scammed me 1k$...
You need proof?? like what the heck you're a huge liar..
Yes, People said it was clear lag.. So Is this refundable?
I honestly have no idea what happened.. My friend fendodo dropped my 2 super God apples on kitpvp and they like instantly disappeared.. Is this...
wait i figured it out, someone delete this
So.. I'm trying to download optifine mod and it like won't let me so confused.. I used 1.7.10 but says i don't have that version so did 1.7.4 and...