Are you on??
that wont work lol. so get on 2morrow
When can you..
Meh okay deal. meet on kitpvp
Can you do 1k??
Can you go any higher..?
I'm trading 200b Op Prison for Money on KitPvP! Minimum:$500 so comment below if interested. (Going first if your trusted)
Ye I told lion to give back he said okay even screenshotted but never gave back so talk to him, and I did propose and got a yes, also I will not...
I didn't scam cosmic.. even ask him it was a mis-understanding.. @CosmicGalaxy32
Lmfao atm.. Goodluck because if you would to do that. GG your money bud.. If I had it I would invest in smaller companies and get stocks, which I...
what??? You do know how much 1b is right?? if u kept 4m u would have like 996,000,000 left..
@vJigglez Are you a female?? Because if not that's pretty homosexual.
WHAT.. Did u seriously make that??
Nope, Only to friends. and I don't know you like at all tbh.
sure pm me ur skype name
@CosmicGalaxy32 is a beast PERIOD.
That... That was deep.
Okay so I have my main acc echest full of gapple stacks on op pvp and my alt filled with gapples in inv and echest, and don't have my laptop for 6...
??? LOL??
lelele totally wrong but ok I guess.