Okay I'm selling my minecraft account it's Rank titan so PM me on forums if you want to buy it for IRL money (PayPal)
Jeez, Thanks mod!
Not all, anyone down for MCSG?
It says cannot connect to server.. so is this just me or what?
Lol??? Please learn to read.. lvl 74 town hall 10
thats nice, good observations bud.
Okay then post the info to login
offer me In PM
Okay, PM me on forums to discuss this
He's just trolling, and sure give me a offer in USD Paypal or KitPvP Money.
Lmfao don't come in here talking bud, I got given those I dont play them that is why I'm selling if you could comprehend that..
So I have 3 accounts, One level 74 town hall 10, one level 60 maxed out town hall 7 and one town hall 8 level 44 so I'll sell them for Money on...
eongod lumbax123 kitpvp scamming He attacks right after I pay him then says oh why fraud me and stuff and enders into oldspawn which have...
@TheOnionWarrior @DoctorDistructo @AgentWifi @theminecraftgal6 @cutting4
I gtg like in 5mins.. can u get on?
Can you get on kitpvp?