I'll admit I've done this to many people and many have done have it to me..It's good in a way that there arnt many people that still stand afk...
As annoying as it is..it's never going to stop. No support sorry
Support! I mean you get perls in almost every kit and some people carry stupid amounts, it's hard enough to get kills on op pvp let alone all the...
Support. About time you applied :)
Support.kitpvp mods are greatly needed and you would make a great one :)
Great idea, I've seen it on others servers but they have many more mods and there are always mods on. Mineverse on the other hand dosnt have many...
Just died standing at oldspawn on kitpvp..#@%!#%
Support..they were kinda cool
Please add this. Support
No support and also skill ful players will just use their bow to boost away from a fight and get closer to spawn so then they can perl in.
Havnt played in a while but If this is true and commander gets more perks then vip I don't see how it's fair. Some people paied real money and...
Support..thorns is like having knock back on your armour. It's so annoying!!
Like some but others I think would just create uneeded lag.
Good idea I geuss to those who strafe like crazy, as long as everyone had it or it would just be to op to those who did.
So much hate..
Ok, geuss it's just your opinion.