You might be salty but you got a sweet a.s.s. #nohomo
3 years now!!! :D
I've been on forums for 3 years and 4 days. It's been a long time with ups and downs but here I am... still active on forums.
Helloooo, thanks :)
Thanks ;)
Hellooo, nice to meet you too :)
Doesn't bother me, thank you!! :D
:) :) :)
He was a beast
How much would I have to pay you for you to leave lol jk xoxox
Welcome rookie
Honestly so sad... I'm speechless
The man... the myth.. the legend himself
I was gonna support but it needs more colour... no support lol jk support lol
LOVE IT! Doritos ?? :P
Another year without an in game account but I'm still here?..
no idea
Most threads I see about people are leaving seem to be them attention seeking or they say they are going but return a week later, but this thread...
yeah true