Some users are glitched with 0 trophy points and have had their ranks reset.. so not really in support of this.
KingZamb <3
Congrats on forum mod, well gl banning me <3. Now please get off this thread.
Uh.... who is it that I'm sucking up to....? .-.
The "No questions asked" thing seems kinda shady...
Well, I was just thinking about the time that I've spent here on Mineverse, a lot of it was mostly negative, but I still feel like the community...
Not to sound rude, because I'm honestly not against LGBT couples, or the community, or literally *any* part of it, but I think that you're going a...
Perhaps you'd get more clarified answers if you stuck to one thread.
Could you stop making threads about this? This is like your 3rd....
Alright, so not going to bother making a staff report since they're private and get swept under the rug easier than people forgot about Terrick,...
Think that was when we met.
When staff did something.
No support, staff just need to do more than read reports and come on twice a year.
No I'm legitimately happy.
Tried for like half an hour, lmfao.