I'd complain about moderators but after looking through 6 pages of applications there aren't many good people..
No support, seeing as Creative is meant for building your own creations and I don't think that much time is actually spent in spawn.. and that...
Good admins don't promote mods they barely know.
Would be more work to get a plugin to make sure you get the XP than to just replace the XP system with money from kills, also like I've said it...
No support
Honestly not much point to forum "bans", waste of time seeing as you're never actually informed of why you're banned until(if) you ever get...
4 second fights of people getting 10 hit combos? Old ways die hard, but they were already useless.
"Snapshot" "PVP" I think you just found the problem.
No I can say I've never done shrooms before.
Looks kinda small :/ other than that support.
He said offer, so.
This thread's about discussing whether or not 1.9 should get added to the server when it's stable, not some petty argument about who can click the...
1.5: Blockhit or you're completely terrible. 1.6: Blockhit.irrelevant 1.7: Blockhitting is so old get with the program 1.8: Blockhitting is not...
Which he would never be able to edit.
But he's still New Member.