We don't hate you we're just stating our opinions, I'm neutral, good luck!
Thanks! I spend most of my time reviewing and rating applications
FYI your name tptrapping that's not allowed XD but that doesn't change my vote though
Neutral, reasons stated, but good luck!
Thank you for your reply! It helps me a lot!
I'm neutral, be more active on forums. I've never seen u in-game, but good luck!
No support, reasons stated above.
I'm neutral, but good luck!
I mostly spend most of my time rating and reviewing mod applications.
thank you for your reply and ill correct my mistakes:)!
He didn't tell me, he didn't even know I replied at first. I support him cause he is my friend, but we have our opinions:).
Lets start off with a bit about myself :) ABOUT ME...
np bro
Everything looks good to me!
No problem bro
ive never seen you in-game much, but I'm sure u play a lot, I just don't I changed my pole to support, I re-read it and it was pretty good. good...
I support! good luck!
Support, good luck!
Support all the way!!!:):):):):):)