LoL I think they should add that when they support they Have this button they click on it and it says Supported
No Support. Every time I see you In-game you Beg for money or to get Donated.
Nu I'm getting Ddosing my Wifi = :dead:
I think they should add it as a Gamemode.
I'm am Amazed Support 100000%. #Jadey4Mod
He is the one who started anyway I ignored him
Vanddeta = :dead:
I use Mac :D
My computer autocorrects it to Polish :mad:
Support. :)
On Survival Greifing Is allowed. Not Claimed = Allowed to Grief
Do it Medieval I love Medieval my town is Medieval :P
1st. You Griefing is allowed on Survival 2nd. You have tried to trap me in a hole full of zombies. 3rd. One more Stupid Comment and I will Ignore you.
I totally Agree. I mean I starting to do my lets plays on Skyblock and I just Can't Do the explorer Challange.
Happy Birthday