Thankyou!! :>
Thank you for your support, I am working on becoming more active on forums and in game, although I am very active in-game, it might be a time-zone...
I have added a lot more information and fixed the grammatical errors, the application is a lot better now. Thanks everyone for your support and...
Thats alright, good luck!
Thanks for your comment, I have fixed the grammatical errors, and I am working in becoming active in the fourms, thanks for taking the time to...
Great application! You are a active member, which is brilliant, except you aren't very nice in game and I have only seen you once... Good Luck!
I have changed some grammatical errors, hopefully that's better.
Ok I'm working on that
Just become a active member?
100% support 3yerrt! Love that idea as it will make the game SOOO much better. I really hope this gets implemented!
Aw sorry robosmith10 everybody has given you no support:( me personally I think the idea is 50/50. It would be nice but yet again the server is...
I have added some more info, and I am working on being a active member
Ok, to start off, way more info! You have a lot of into in the recording software topic, but you have to have roughly that much in every topic....
Im sorry to say, but you haven't followed the template and you need to add so much more info! Try looking at the accepted mod applications to give...
First off... Great start! Your info is great, but you just need a but more and a bit more descriptive. As many people have said, become more...
No support yet... • you need a lot more info • become more active in the forums • maybe have a look at the accepted applications, then that will...
As said above ^^^^^^^^^^ you haven't followed the template at all, so you won't even have a slight chance of becoming a mod, unless you change is...
Thanks for your comment, i am working on becoming a active member, is that the only this that is stopping you from giving me full support?
Ok thanks, will do!;)
Thanks for all your suggestions everyone, i have done some corrections, so hopefully it is a lot better now!:D