1. LetzPvP 2. johnuch 3. Hacks 4. [media]
Why does it matter what he's advertising? Advertising is advertising.
1. letzcraft 2. sk8ernash 3. Advertising 4. http://prntscr.com/3dotas
Can someone please explain to me what the difference between aimbot, kill aura, and ff is? I've always thought that aimbot aimed your bow, FF made...
1. letzcraft 2. curly21x 3. Used FF and Anti-KB 4. [media]
are you going to fix the private video?
clear forcefield
you must be mentally ing retarded to believe that...
oh, is that so? I'd love to see it.
video is private
1. letzcraft 2. JosephMcN 3. Anti-KB/FF 4. Evidence Below [media] Can I also have my back I died to a hacker.
The chat is working fine for you, it's the other player's connection.
I seriously doubt that. Please look more closely at the video, especially at 3:06 that first combo is really suspicious.
It is the 5zig PvP Mod used for McPvP Hardcore games, it adds HUD's like showing your frames per second, coordinates, and more. It doesn't give an...
Hey there's a huge problem with hackers on Mineverse, too many to bother rendering and uploading so I put about 10 of them into a video. 1....
1. letzcraft 2. Its_time_for_bed 3. FF Anti-KB 4. Evidence Below [media]
G_G Banned.