After seeing a thread about Survival -maybe- restarting, I decided to post my own ideas/conjectures as to what will/should happen. The world...
They did have a /warp prison2 for a little bit (or some similar command). The reason it was probably removed was due to the lack of people on it,...
That's because Guard isn't a rank on the forums; I believe (I may be wrong here) that Guard's are given Moderator rank only on the forums so that...
No request, but very cool!
Ironically,, one of our sister servers, has bukkit:me disabled, but here it isn't lol
Incorrect. Source:
Always looking for input, guys!
Your ingame name: monkeyfunk26 The offender's ingame name: _Bashyou A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising a...
Yeah, it just needs to be moved, is all :P. Support, as I see you in Prison a LOT. You know the ins and outs and seem to not cause trouble. I've...
Presumably you can come back after summer school is over? But still, sorry you got to go away for now :/ Try not to be too bored at school.
No they don't. The growth rate is not affected by light or any other environmental factors. Source:
You are probably under the impression that the nether is not mineable because of the large size of the protection on the so-called "nether spawn."...
10-20k for a stack of netherwart seems a little over the top to me. Maybe like $150.00 per stack. I say this because netherwart can grow in any... Read up :P
Good idea, support. You can't remove this command, but you can remove the permission node (which is by default available to everyone) from PEX by...
Seems fair. I'd imagine at the moment they are illegal because they can only be obtained illegitimately (again, at the moment). I'm sure the...
That's only if that feature is enabled in WorldGuard(?), or whichever plugin it is. In Vanilla MC sponges do zilch. Nevermind, lol, just read...
Hello! Even though you've been around awhile I'm going to say 'welcome' anyway. Welcome.
Thanks for the kind words and wisdom, Pile. Will do :P