hmu if you want a list of names better than mvdi lol
"New year new me" Lmao you scrub
Same for you :)
Support, but only cause you seem like a cool guy
I thought everyone outside of my state hated pats lol
@unspokenlyrics shut up @Policy what state you in¿
then why are these nigerians saying otherwise
support, but please change that cringy a** ign in the name of all that is good & holy
lol not like this
i didn't know aussies liked American football ngl
it's a ruse
Wait don't you live in AU
I live in MA, and I swear everyone here went ape sh** went the Pats tied the game, lmao
Lady Gaga inspired Brady to spank some Falcon cheeks.
They don't suck, lol. Falcons have a great roster actually, and did pretty good for 3 quarters. :p
@Random Is a barbarian and yall don't know it yet