Already dealt with. Moving to reports: archives
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned. I will talk to the other player...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned. Warned the other player also
This doesn't look like hacks to me. If this is hacks, he missed a LOT of shots. Looks to me like high sensitivity. Opinions?
Sorry, but we need video of them using the hack in game to ban. Moving to reports: archives Also, we are not responsible for what people do on...
Player has been warned. Moving to Reports: Archives
Do not be swearing in chat anymore. Just a warning. If this happens again it could become an infraction
I can work with Axew. Prehistoric dinosaur baby that explodes stuff with its anger.
Raikon sounds better :P I am calling him Raikon from now on.
That is why you are one of my favorites
People will pay stupid amounts of money for anything staff have touched. I sold my signature Blooberry's Kewl Pants (leather with prot IV) for...
I can work with umbreon, only because all eeveelutions are amazing. Darkrai is decent I guess
The kittens will never forgive you. You evil person
I got bored, and I talked to poke. He said that he likes Charizard. Only the most overrated pokemon ever. What a nub. Mudkipz for life. [IMG]...
You have 2 alts that hack, that I had to ban today. No support.
He rated it dumb because Glitchy clearly stated that he made a "Past staff" list. Which is where Raikon was.
24 hours to provide evidence