This video is too laggy for me to make anything out of it. Opinions?
Player has been warned. Moving to reports; archives
I personally couldn't see anything here. Anyone else?
Blooberry is pleased.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Well, it seems this was resolved. The archive fairy waves his wand
How do you get all of these followers ;__; YOu probably gave them cookies or something to bribe them.
Without proof we can do nothing... Besides, if you died and he just happened to pick it up, not much we can do. It was your fault for allowing...
I have an old sweggy hat from this 6th grade concert for band that they made percussion people wear :O Let me dig through my piles of old stuff...
Good layers. No go buy a banana costume and do a blooberry selfie.
THat bump though...
Zorua is cuddly and cute. (Not to mention it turns into people/other pokemon) Zoroark looks like a horribly drawn werewolf.
The closest thing we have to prevent this is NCP (No cheat plus). Unfortunately, recently the creators of the client that includes this hack found...
Magikarp is the creator of the universe. All hail Magikarp. [IMG]
HAPPY 4000th POST! Well, as soon as you reply to this that is.
We need proof to do anything. 24 hours to provide proof
If you are killed by a team member it is your fault for trusting them. Pick your allies carefully. Archiving due to lack of evidence.