I partially agree with this, but then I do not. Yes, lots of people will ender pearl away from fights, but hey. Ender pearls are a part of...
verpleeger is already banned, I am reviewing slim's part of the report at the moment. That 2x speed really makes it hard to tell anything, so I...
It took me 3 weeks to find out that it was Pile spelled backwards... I googled sttuB_fo_eliP 5 times. Well played ANyways, I cannot believe that...
The archive fairy waves his wand.
Dealt with by another staff member. The archive fairy waves his wand
Unfortunately, the video is too choppy for us to make anything out. If you can get any extra proof that would be great, but until then. Moving...
You really cannot get a refund (Terms of service) and I don't think that they allow people to transfer ranks to others...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Dealt with and removed all rate abuse towards you :) Moving to reports: archives
Welcome to the forums and all that jazz!
http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/CypriotTwerks GG
Pretty sure there already is a CypriotTwerks
SooperDoge Such justice, so wow, many bad guy, very sweg
How did you gain 1k points on plugdj in under 1 day? Obvious hax.
Should have bought an account named CypriotTwerkz (If he doesn't already have that one :P)
Wut are you doing, copying my signature thingy for applications. [IMG]
Future president of merica.