Most people that use hacks are actually using it due to peer pressure by other players. Also, since others get lucky and do not get caught at the...
ENjoy this 600+ word guide on the factions plugin and how to make the most of it....
What is your in game username? Also, I cannot support this for a few reasons: -You are a new forum user. People who tend to just jump in and...
Denied for reasons stated in vCottonSockz ban appeal.
I found me
You are vJigglez/vCottonSockz(Hacked). Since Cotton was banned, I had to ban you two, the other alternate accounts, to prevent ban evading. This...
Just ate a burrito :O You probably thought this status would be worth reading, eh?
Woah... I totally fell for that. Why dost though bump?
I cannot support this for a few reasons: -I am pretty sure you are banned -We do not have a builder rank, and staff do NOT build maps as their...
I would be okay with it coming to Mineverse, but I have mixed feelings. THe most players I have ever seen on that server, is abouit 15. It seems...
y u so nub
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thou shalst not raise thy thread from thy grave. Thy thread is over 1th yearth oldeth. To Thy archives this shall go, where none can disturb thy...
You didn't need to make another warning post about this... We already have at least 2.
That is actually what I am working on at the moment :P I am trying to get that pirate map up to par for infection.
Lots of these were actually for past servers, and back then it was just a concept. I started building, but I never finished most of these :p
NU, public stuffs so that everyone else can try it. [media]