step 1: put your finger on the mouse step 2: set your attack button to something like y. step 3. study your enemy step 4. do one of these...
wouldn't the EULA make only vanilla servers stop working? Spigot and Bukkit has nothing to use against EULA, but don't they have their own? wtf
my tbh :mad: bcuz i cant play any server D;
i has top 5 list. they're in order. 5. zed lags too much 4. zed stop lagging 3. now anyone can rek zed 2. zed takes his co0mputer 1. breaks his...
when it said "RACIAL SLURS", i was like "oh boy there's gonna be something to do with the kkk
lol idk anyone on this list bcuz my ping to all servers all bad
lol just saying my first ever minecraft account was named ImHackingNow
i has top 5 list. they're in order. 5. StimpyPVP 4. LeafyIsHere 3. VannosGaming 2. Tylarzz 1. Verzide (op asf in pvp, has beaten stimpy multiple...
Going Offline, i'll be back on as soon as possible to give more pictures.
np @Levis
np <3
yes do dat xD
Why is everyone so rude?
@Surge u want one?
@ShrektingPro here <3