"I dont have a cape." LOL, best reason ever!!!
Why you copy my idea? -.-
Your all accepted..
LMAO gang gang l? XDD
Good Luck!
Added To the Printer!
As well.
One time only. You are only Co-Leader. If Fade resigns you may be leader and will be allowed to add people. For now, no more accepting.
Yet one of the worst ones i've seen. I won't let you accept anymore people. -.-
Good Luck, I'll wonder who'll win.
Be patient, I will tell everyone the results tomorrow.
LOL, heads up, im giving the cape I HAVE away. So i wont have a cape -.-
The thing is your scale 5-6 is too low, your like an 8-10
Good Luck! P.S I'm printing all of you names on a sheet of paper, put them in a bucket, and tomorrow, i'll pick the winner.
Exactly, you didnt have to ask. For everyone else, you have to.
Good Luck People XDDD
Your all in!
First of all, You need optifine to see your cape. Just apply right here. IGN: Why do you want the cape? I'll give it away tommorow, when i...