Support, Go back to your natural state, Mod.
Well this clan went down very quickly.
I'd apply, but my computer runs about 2 fps, I'll have to wait til' Christmas to get a new computer.
YAY i mean boo!
i cant 1v1, my computer sucks -.-
ogod hacksucators
I didn't deny it. I did autoclick before, yet never on mineverse.
lmao you think 10 cps is autoclicking? plus i broke my mouse a long time ago -.-
lmao zpeace is ez and plus craftymike has been playing mv for a while now, and you're saying that hes hacking just now?
The computer im using right now, Windows 7, gets 2 fps on minecraft, and I BOUGHT THIS 2 DAYS AGO
LMFAO @Janice999 @Surge @RandomNinja14 please close this, im dying of laughter because dillpickle told me that blazexstrom got rekt by badri75...
i honestly don't remember
Clan Closed
Some people are dicks these days.
This helps you.... No Support.
Thank you.
Everyone at toggle studios made this for me :D [MEDIA] The second teaser trailer for retro. Thank you, toggle studios.
dont try to talk to me for the next 4-5 months bcuz im prob gonna be pretty toxic (mean) to you.
I'd rather not talk about it.