Oh, nice.
Hi Espin.
I can't see Lemo's profile because he changed his privacy settings, so I can't see that message.
Oh, didn't know this was from an anime. LOL.
;_; Noooo. Thanks for serving Mineverse. :c
Hehe, I'm not really good at drawing animals. Thank you though <3.
Aww, good luck in life. :p
Support, it would be like the Skyblock forums where there is Friendly, Informative, Agree and Disagree. :>
boost bast
Welcome to the forums. I'm quite new myself, but nice to meet you nonetheless.
Good luck in life.
Hello there. :)
Nice into.
I'm guessing you like to draw dragons, lol. I like them.
Support, then we can see everyone's work and appreciate it ^^. It wouldn't hurt.