Good to have you back. :)
I would also appreciate for more Mods to look over this than just one. Thanks Chris for bringing this to attention.
1. IGN: SpitFire2235 2. Offender's IGN: UniQue_GhosT 3. Description of what rule they broke: Using a hacked client containing Kill Aura. 4....
Age: 15 PvPSkill: I'm not too sure. Maybe an 8? I can't really say for myself. Maybe we can meet up in KitPVP sometime and 1v1? Have I ever...
I already had ScoFu13 contact Cypriot about the issue. They came on earlier today. The issue has already been resolved. Kitkat lock and archive :)
es you pee pee oh are tea. I fna so ya, i support. Gl with mod bruh.
I would fna... but... do you even Rakin Party bruh??
Thanks man!
Alright thanks for your opinion anyways.
Oh dear lord, the number of messages I have :O
Hello, o mighty Butts. You are invited to this year's Rakin Party. Would you like to attend?
Thanks m8.
Not too bad. Maybe go for a little more details mainly in "Why do you think you should become a mod" section. You are applying to Moderate for a...
If you know Rakion, do you want to Rakin Party it up?