jadey you did a Wonderful job. I remember when I was first mod and a week later or so, you were added to the team. I was so grateful to have you...
No Support. Stick to PVP'ing.
Exactly. Making in-game trades could easily persuade someone to buy a donor rank for you. Try making the trade fair and worth your while. Give a...
Lol those hackers who record other hackers just to make it look like they aren't hackers make me laugh.
Welcome back :)
I honestly don't know. You seem really nice and all. I've never really seen you in game or on forums. A little more detail can be added onto the...
As a few others have said above, use correct grammar and punctuation. More detail as well. No support for now, good luck.
Bump :P
That last part is some pretty wise advise.
Don't think you have yet. Thanks it means a lot.
Thanks Firo. You truly are a great friend. Also, you're the 100th reply. :D
Congratulations to all the new Moderators. We appreciate what you will do for us in the future, whether kicking the spammers, banning the hackers,...
Gonna bump again. Thanks guys for all the support. And for the ones who didn't, thanks for telling me WHY. Hopefully I can fix my mistakes and...
Thanks m8! :)
Morgan returns!!!! Honestly best episode on Walking Dead so far. Other than the one where Merle kicks .
I knew you could do it. Make us proud man.
Nice choice for the new Mod m8. Also, grats for being on forums for a whole year!