ok well not my problem get better eyes lol wtf i made it so easy to read u all are just babies smh my head ill work on it thnk u im promise u...
i feel u. sometimes im just too good u welcome any time
thanks dad
Your in-game name: jojoaidan What timezone are you in? est What country do you live in? us What languages do you speak? eu Do you have the...
lol ok so ur not supporting because grammar, not the actual person behind the application. makes sense right?!??1/1/1/1/1/ who even r u lol...
smh this boy mentions old survival crew and my name is not brought up like what foh dont leave no support lol bye bad trash ily dont go wtf
support haha i love how purgepoodle is the one to criticize you
ok so basicly staff corrupt [ATTACH] warned for saying: why are you staff, resign [ATTACH] i said: sTaFf dIsReSpeCt, ur sensitive, grow balls ur...
ye o ty, and hey max havent seen you in a long time (im jojo) tru
what bruh im talking about help with the drama im not gonna die lol
ok so im on oppvp rn and there is something about armories sayin he helped someone from commiting suicide and then theres people saying that he...
mad cause bad
remember me lol
no support. toxic in-game and too immature to be a moderator.
omg lol
do you remember dave, ichi, siena, ender, ares, morgan, kevin, and us two? xD we were the sht on survival back then