My IGN= STEFANTALEN1 His IGN= JasonCraft101 aka mhh In this video you'll see his head spin, this indicates that he's using some kind of aimbot...
Gapple hit [MEDIA]
Ur mud 1v1
This was already accepted, just waiting on @Valor to perm ban him. [MEDIA]
this player was banned from someone else earlier today, so my ban report was denied. But the video of him hacking from the other guy is missing,...
4bars and that range, plus he hit me from behind. [MEDIA]
With 3-4, he shouldn't be able to hit like that. [MEDIA]
Sounds good ;)
Support (:
[MEDIA] It's Impossible for someone with 4 bars to hit like that. I think its TriggerBot or Aura