support. <3
Hmmmm Neutral because there are certain scenarios where spawn killing is necessary. For example if someone has wooed or sanded their bed. Spawn...
I'm the disturbing one 0_0? <3
Can you please give me the names of these servers though.
Neutral. U stated you were mods on 10 different servers and are currently mods on 4 of them. Could you list what servers, and add to the banned...
Support! :D You always record and ban hackers on bed wars, report people for everything, in my opinion you already fit the criteria for being a...
Support! This would be a great idea :D
No harm in trying :P <3 <3 Thanks guys for the support <3 <3
Since they only take a minute, if we get enough support we can make it happen.
Support if, There's only a winning prize, and it was changed to $3 rather than 5.
Honestly, @TannerLittle makes changes in bedwars because DaveCarterGaming isn't even on most of the time. Whenever he's on he can make the...
What is the point though? Why would people not want to spam the command. It's ultimately their choice to suicide or not. But, good point on the...
Apparently it is looking at the guide.
I'll add Texas massacre, Thanks. and team-killing is bannable according to @AthleticPsycho's guide...
Support! It accounts to one's records if someone dislikes your comment, and there's nothing wrong with removing the rating for bans. There's...
Thanks Cheetah :D