woops. xD <3
It would be hard to capture that reason.
Support. But I agree with @Smiley
The kits are expensive though, so people just can't use it left and right. Thanks.
Isn't capture the flag a variation of bedwars? Still, Support.
Similar to Hunger games, there should be an option to buy one-time-use kits using rubies. These kits would be in your inventory everytime you...
I agree with tweeds. If hackers got a hold of the titan things... Titans don't need to start hacking. Anyone can get an alt, and start hacking....
Support :D
I know that. However, not just ant and kenji do it. I'm saying people no one recognizes just starts randomly spawnkilling, and someone who doesnt...
I see.
I think you misunderstood my point. If player A is spawnkilling, and there was wool over the bed. Player B who doesn't know the bed is protected...
Support No harm in doing this. This will help people understand the rules better in their natiuve language. Don't tell me you will use google...
This may be so. However if someone takes a screenshot off their mc, and the bed is actually sand-protected. People might get unfairly banned.
No support. You got banned for a reason. Money shouldn't be able to buy justice.
Thanks for the support! <3