Definite Support!
Support Great idea ShrektingPro :p
This is needed in my opinion. It is nice to brag about your stats ingame :) Support!
Support <3 @unspokenlyrics Dint tell MEH o: Great map
Support. great idea
Support. <3
mmmm <3
Support. Mods shouldnt be demoted because of this problem and this is a great resolution :)
Lmao @Hurlz that would be lit Also add @ryleigh_xo
below Be more active on all gamemodes
There should be a cooldown for this command as well
is this really necessary? What is the appeal of this? Neutral.
Support on Elite+
Never seen you ingame, but you seem very nice, and active on forums. Support.
yw <3
Support. This will be useful :D I hate having to retype the whole thing
No Support Is this really necessary? They're teamers, it helps establish friendship, and some do it as a nice gesture not just to team. As well...