They are known for scamming, if you deal with them, make them hold up their side of the deal first.
People have been spamming auction with acacia saplings, i got 1 for 10 skybucks, so congratz on that terrible price!
hey wanna come over to my place? the couch may not pull out but i will.
Skyblock- 1.5k=1$ Thats what i take anyways...
I rarely see any "hate" on CypriotMerkz, But i keep seeing threads about people protesting "hating" on mods and so on, which are mostly highly...
This suggestion looks pretty good. I have for a long time contemplated whether to play survival or not, but if these new suggestions get enforced,...
He scammed me for a 30$ upgrade from elite to supreme.
The lava place belongs to GreenCube5000, his shop warp is /Warp GreenShop
there is a reports section called bugs/exploits where you can report any issues.
Hello! Yesterday when Skyblock updated to 1.8, my enderchest reset along with many other players. i asked if i would get my items back, but Staff...
well we talked for a few mins, and you didn't give me any options, and i did tell you the deathtrap warp, so nothing stopped you from getting a...
i can't really rate many of the staff members since i haven't talked to them, from what i have read they're not all that good. although i...
Your ingame name: DaBaws19 The offender's ingame name: Lucasedvin and valder98 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They made...
Hmm what timezone are you in?
aww no...:( you are one of the nicest people i've met on this server Really sad to see you go. goodbye and Good luck!
ok, see you then.
I Can Do That.