Was The Guy A Donor
I Surport
I Suporrt
Your ingame name: HoodieGuy2022 The offender's ingame name: EXtincti0n A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing And...
Its Ok
Not Gonna Say!
Quick question If You Have A Donor Rank Like God Do You Keep The Kits
@mineterria no one can replace you! So I'll Try to become Mod
@mineterria you just described how i feel on kitpvp if i was a mod!
Flare You've Got The Hoodie Respect And My Support
just copy and paste it to the thread
Play Pixel Gun On My iphone And Play Other Rubbish Apps
There No Way @CypriotMerks Is Going To Deny This! Total Support!
Thanks For The Advice Hope It Works!