1. IGN- KSIMauser_US 2. Offender- Legacy_Rainz 3. KIllAura 4. Video. Start at 2:24. [MEDIA]
That Sucks!
I was on my phone at the time and i didn't see the rates so i might have miss clicked
@Titanicguy - Butt Buddy @ValentinaR Mink_420 @MissMisconceived @Frenchfries271 And some more I can't think of.
ohhglaze is already a titan!? He was Promoted to Titan and few months ago!
It's Ok fam
I was 6th thanks to you >:/
TheDarkGolem owes me a rank now.
Oh have fun
I'm a good noodle and stay out of trouble
What did you do this time?
I had 3 people try to down vote me.
1. IGN- KSIMauser_US 2. Offender- __CykaBlyat__ (2 underscores) 3. Advertising 4. Screenshot. https://gyazo.com/c97ae82d661514204cdc1c73476ea7d5
Who is voting for me on another server!?!?!?
1k is for newbs. lol Grats