Titans should get ./fix all, once per 24 hours
Wait 7 more years then reapply.
Lol fail, didn't know you hacked btw
EW ugly panda :<
Nice detail. Support
Yea i agree. But they have to add a cooldown to ./fix because titans can carry 2 sets of armor and never run out of it. Put on 1 set, take it off...
Takes 2 levels and 10 seconds to fix with anvil. If they do add ./fix it should have a cooldown of like 10mins or something
Great idea, support :D
You can repair it with an anvil :P
Evidence is kept private. The report section of the forums is only accessible my staff members. Therefore he cannot put the evidence out in the...
@xSoulHero take care of this report? You are good at detecting triggerbot. Your ingame name: TrollHQ The offender's ingame name: UnitedPanda A...
It's a girl? :o
Well it doesn't make the fryzigg good either
No support
No support.
Fryzigg was not a good mod, he/she banned me for "hacks" but the next day i had to make a ban appeal. I got unbanned because it was a false ban...
I didn't exactly used to like @xSoulHero, but now that i see he is a brilliant mod. Reasons? He catches the hardest hacks to detect and has banned...
Mods? Hello?