Your ingame name: MrSteaLYourGurRl The offender's ingame name: Tyson_xDD A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Killaura,...
Yes lol, i accidently made 2 threads. Watch out for my new thread its on a hacker
Sorry i do not know how to remove a thread.
He always unarms me when i fight him. So you calling me a hacker? And we don't 4v1. He also pet hids when he is about to die. He is such a sad...
He came back to life. He fell in a crack. He died. The end. Remember kids "Crack kills" xD
Red like <Edited>----tomatoes. ._.
No one knows me :( , no one loves me :(, *cries in a dark corner*
Sorry i only do d*ckpics.
Wtf did i just read.
Great dad! "Whips out his one inch punisher"
You're hot.
You gettin DDosed. Time to find out who is doing it.
Bro i agree.
mr ben always unarms he abuses.
What's a RP? Rape party?
Mr_B3N_123 also has such op unarmed. Unarmed should be capped at 100.
My list: Everyone <3
Dat OG zigzag sweg.