ok repeat that, but in english
easy lol, ban for refusal of ss.
u shouldn't have to worry about wasting your time if you actually care about the server and keeping it clean lol
seems like someone had a little bit of experimenting as a mod:grimacing:
Neutral, although 1.7 is very easy to control and the animations are a lot more smoother, there's a lot more ghost clients and since most staff...
IGN: ChiChay Timezone: EST
me, myself and I
yo man why did u log off when i was smackin ur cheeks
i want to become a male prostitute
no support EXTREMELY toxic player and is very bad at the game :/
@Upsets LOL
ew edating is for lonely people
damnit shireen i thought we had something together, not u and this slow sloth, imagine how slow his stroke game would be, cmon now
never cringed so hard
broken server
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5UFHV22Alo sisters?? @its_shireen