My IGN - Yasminyos Offenders IGN - ReformedSlut ReformedSlut spoke vulgar to me talking about rape & sex I feel they should be punished for this...
My IGN - Yasminyos Offenders IGN - SukiCha Hacking SukiCha was hacking on XX, He would jump from a block or ladder and teleport back to it...
Yes, I notified him he said he won't report it because he doesn't want to cause drama.
Thank you he gave me this information to report but I will notify him that he needs to report it not me. Thank you for telling me.
My Forum Account - Em Offenders Forum Account - Stacker7 Link - Stacker7 went and attacked...
Be more active ingame, I will change to support and gl but be more active I needed to preview your application again. Support gl on mod.
My IGN - Yasminyos Offenders IGN - CrazedYandere CrazedYandere was hacking on XVII, He was jumping from a ladder a teleporting back. Whenever we...
Well I have good news then
I see, but would not the name tage showing [Completed] Differ hackers from legit players when hackers hack you can tell with the lag back they get...
Hello I'm Yasminyos otherwise known as Em, I chose a topic that could increase the parkour server by a great number if completed players had the...
Great work on your application, Sorry but you don't meet the requirements.
I would assume closing this would be best since it is dead and its only bringing people here who really have no reason to be here.
Hey, Ursling
Its alright, your a little late to the party he already knows and is past his level I believe and being more careful.
Awh ty, I like yours too. (:
Life is good.
Ok, thank you sorry to waste your time though I only had that screenshot.
IGN - Yasminyos Offenders IGN - OMG_ITS_FIREGOD OMG_ITS_FIREGOD was spamming, he was flooding the chat with "I need help on III." I have evidence...