btw can you please!!!!!!!!!! add in the server plugings the /d command ? Please!
i found a player breaking the rules,it's was on skyblock when he advertised a trap warp when you pay money and there is a dispenser that droping...
need [God] idothecrepeer
Michael I need to be god rank my mc nmeis idothecrepeer
I need to be a god rank but in creative I am not
why I can't upload a file!!!!!!!!!!!!
why I can't upload files?
I am not rank any more! rank me up look at idothecrepeer name!!!!!!! and rank me up!
why I don't have rank any more on the creative! I am god on every server... only on creative I am default
I didn't do nothing!
Can ScoFu13 unban me from opprison plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why did I got banned from op prison?!
I didn't got scammed, but it's says to me that I got banned from op prison because I scammed and I didn't scam any one in my life! my mc name I...