Hello! Nice Thread, haha.
Wonder if you Wonder- Witt Lowry "You can come back to mine though, your friend ain't cute but it's fine though We gon' end on a high note"
Bob Marley
Hello everyone! I have decided that we will play a Guess That Song game! Here are the rules: I will begin by putting some random song lyrics,...
Aww thanks everyone! <3
So I'm slowly going to work my way up to be a mod. I don't meet much of the requirements just yet, but I will try haha. :3
Sometimes I wish I could just go back in time and fix things.
I understand, I just idk. Im not trying to disrespect anyone it's just some people date like new people everyweek and I don't understand.
I don't understand how people can date on a block game, it's so weird. Like, you don't know who they are and what they do behind a screen.
Well thanks for responding to my post My name is Kam btw.
Yeah, it's just super annoying and I hate it sooo much, but it's whatever I guess.
Like what's wrong with the commands? And why does it keep saying "Do not repeat the same sentence" or whatever when you try to do the /p chat....
So....What's going on with creative? What happened to it?
Hi and Welcome!
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the forums!
Hello and Welcome! :3
Welcome! :)