First off I would like to say I have no connection with @Imperial_Mint. Now let's begin way more detail is this some sort of joke? Because it is...
Yes I bet it was that's why you used your application instead of somebody elses.
Please never get mod. You seem desperate and advertise it.
Advertising your mod app is a really bad idea.
IGN: Age (just give us a rough age e.g. 9-11): 14 Prestige: 30 (10 and 2.5k levels) Donator Rank (if any. also be advised that you have low...
Bye Mineverse I'm leaving for good now (most likely) had a fun 2 years, had awesome times, awesome memories and met some really nice people.
I do not understand you sorry I was quoting @TADS4 not @RebornWolf and no she did not explain anything just because you're her little fanboy or...
Why are you making assumptions that I want shields and cooldowns added? I never said once they should be added.
Justify this please.
1. IGN? Almaisajew 2. How old are you? 69 3. Which prestige are you on infection? 21 4. Why do you want to join the Merciless Killers? Sexyasf 5....
No the second picture is Chocolate sprinkles I am talking about the last one.
You know in Australia our ISP's are [ATTACH]
No offence but they look like a really bad arts and craft project.
You can stop them G cheat stops it but this plugin is private and only a select few players on Badlion have access to it.
Thanks baby.
Riven or Vayne? and season 6 riots worst decision after urgot.
@Elrak <-- My guess is who @Satan is.