Boi you rude asf you shoulda let me say it haha jk it was just a prank.
Pile <3's butts.
Time passes fast we forget things easily it's a part of human nature so dw.
CEO was supreme...
Are you stupid when did I say I want admin back?
Why need a base if you have 5 vaults plus and enderchest. Ruins the entire point of the game 5 vaults is not worth it and is not needed.
5 vaults just no....
50 dollar rank these ranks can be found on minetime. (admin should be 100$)
Admin was god.
Nah that was CEO
Study harder to become a Doctor.
Is there something wrong with being 14? Just because you are older than me does not mean you are a god or all high and mighty. Justin Bieber has a...
Your a -edit- if you do. Unless your a gorilla.
That moment when Dewster tells everyone to guess his name for a free rank upgrade. First try baby. Tekkers. WOOOOW OOOH BABY A TRIPLE.
Your in-game name: Xrosmage The offender's exact in-game names: Nakke_Niklas and G2R2 and MrKnister213 A description of what rule they broke/how...
I rescind I am not a member of this anymore.
Welcome to the server.
250 is def not 1 dollar it's more i am pretty sure.
- In game name: Xrosmage - What you want: [God] - [Titan] - Age: 14 - Favorite game-mode (this has nothing to do with how I'll decide, just...
Zulfqar is mentally challenged I dealt with him in another thread some people just do not change.