Is this a question or a statement?
League of thunderlords
Why you always lyin
gurl u thirsty asf
Which hcf do you play and do you even play Mc anymore
When this server first opened and the highest prestige was prestige 2 @rachetclanksYourSenpai_ @Desmondthemoonbear @Theicephoenix @carloslund.
It was fun having that flame war with you I had nothing better to do so don't take it seriously and don't get pushed to that side of you again...
No support you sir are a joke. You rule break constantly even though you have been warned for the last time stop double posting. Also, what is...
Lol you were a bad mod though that's the thing...
This thread is not getting anywhere it's mainly just causing fights I will respectfully ask @SnakeVenomPvP to ask a Mod to close this.
What is the point of double posting and constantly posting on here if all your gonna say is thank you. Lol, it's not your job to, sure you may...
Because some mods were genuinely , abused or thought they were above everyone.
No support one of the only things I enjoy nowadays is spawn killing for Rofls this is not an issue the spawn killers can easily be killed.
An owner can not be demoted as it is their server use your brain and stop posting stupid things like this. Also can a moderator please warn him...
Force Op end of story skrubs.
Supports first.
What is this... the map is just random. It's not thought out properly it seems as the buildings were just placed there with not much care the map...
No support You are desperate and are a joke. You farmed most of your posts with double or triple posts you also advertise your application and...
(Mini-Modding is annoying, not helpful)