You say VIP because you are probably VIP
Okay this is twice now who was the mod that deleted both of my comments.
He is using basic algebra to create an equation. X is equal to 0.999 he then goes on to say 10x= 9.999 because you just move one 9 forward so...
Sure i'll dunk on you then nae nae
Probs sissy or gay idk
and destroy the whole pvp element gg might as well just allow killaura.
You guys don't understand what I am trying to say. There is one reason why this will most likely not be implemented because of boosting sure block...
I wonder have you guys even thought about this properly? If players cannot block glitch what are they going to resort to? The answer is boosting...
Because the community is hypocritical and don't care they only care about what affects them.
Yea suicide 4 times to get enough arrows as prestige 10 how long does that take plus walking to the target their gonna be at full hp.
^ This guy is a god at pvp on kohi RIP whoever 1v1s him.
My opinion is prestige kit spamming should not even be a rule. Prestige spamming is in no way unfair and balances out the huge amounts of players...
I think he skipped me on purpose or is it banter.
Bruh 10/12 cps I click 13ccps get shrekt I took you down to the swamp.
with the big fat butt wiggle wiggle wiggle doo doo doo doo doo
Pe******* error this word cannot be found.
Are you trying to copy Uncleurnesto?
I don't understand why people need to say neutral just don't say anything that's neutral all you are doing is spamming the app with unnecessary...
Just putting it out there this guy hacks.