Why thank you! c: wats ur ign? <33 c:
That may be because youre never really on forums hehe, Thx for the vote!! <33 c:
Fixed em :D <33 Thx! c:
May be a time-zone issue, and I just fixed the visuals hehe. Guess I cant use fancy titles xD thx for the vote <3333 c:
Unavailabe? My bad haha. Are you on a mobile device? And thanks!! <333
One of the best joys in life is faking sick and playing mc. c: <33
But ur not even broke
IGN: Anonymous_One Reason: i like using the explosive bow a lot LOL c: <33 plus i luv chu draggy
Can be used to frame or act like mods
Thx! c: <33
So sad ;-; </3
glad youre back :D <3333
Re-Vamping my Mod App right now... It's a lot of work but I want it to look good :D <333 #insteadofschoolwork
thank you for stating that. I was not aware that was a rule xD
No support, sorry. Youre quite new and ive never even heard of you xD get more active and well known, i may change my mind c: <33
A-vocado! A-a-vocado! A-vacado! A-a-vacado... Guac-amolay! Guac-guac-amolay! Guac-amolay! Guac-guac-amolay!!! #peelthebanana
I miss chu